Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A131595 Chai Hui Min LJ05

On Wednesday 24th of August 2011, once again I attended ZT 2253 Management of Emotions lecture given by Dr. Zamri.Like usual,we are required to produce a journal for every end of the lecture which includes our feelings,thoughts, what we have gain and learned during the session. This journal will be my fifth and last one.


    At the beginning of this session,we were shown a video clip which we have to relate it with the Psychoanalytic Theory. Then,interestingly,we took the self-scoring MBTI Personality Test.This test help us a lot in determining our personality type.Having said then,what is MBTI?We  were enlightened that MBTI stands for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator .It is one of the most widely used personality-assessment instrument in the world. Under this popular indicator,Individuals are classified as extroverted or introverted (E or I), sensing or intuitive (S or N), thinking or feeling (T or F), and judging or perceiving (J or P) .I am so amazed and surprised of the huge variety of individualism  in this contemporary world and that individual can be classified in so many different types.Lastly,we took the self-scoring Big Five Personality Tests in order to find out our personality traits and give comments.This personality test is so interesting and revealing that after completing this test,I am more aware of the different traits that best relate to me and understand myself better.


    For the first activity of the day, a heart rending short video was being played.To summarise,this video is about the depressing experiences gone thru by the character.His childhood has been a miserable stage.From the description  and choice of words use,we can know that he is lonely ,abandoned and in grief.In medical terminology,there is a great propensity that he might suffer from depression.In this time and age,the increasing stress and problems faced by people has made living a challenges.We have to learn coping with difficulties and all the ups and downs of life.Those who succumbed are said to have depression and it is important for us,as caring members of the society and also future doctors to extend our arms towards those in dire need.These people are taken hold by emptiness and despair, Hobbies and friends don't interest them like they used to; they're exhausted all the time; and just getting through the day can be overwhelming,everything in life seems bleak and hopeless in their eyes.However,we must not let this negative emotions and attitude haunts our life .With some support from the people surrounding,and most importantly ,self aid by being positive and not self-pity,we are able to get through the bottom of our lives and see the gleaming sunlight again,just like the perfect ending of the character of the video.Another theory which can be applied in this case is the Psychoanalytic theory.It refers to the definition and dynamics of personality development which underlie and guide psychoanalytic and psychodynamic psychotherapy and it was First laid out by Sigmund Freud.Accordingly,In perfect  relation of depression with the Psychoanalytical Theory, depressed people,more often than not,unconsciously applies their feelings,emotions, motives and memories of the past which they are not aware of on their present behavior.In both short and long term,there will be inevitable significant influence on their personality development.

   Subsequently,we were being exposed to two types of personalities which is type A and type B.From books and internet,we are bombarded with many classifications that helps in determining people's personalities ,however, the type A and type B classification is the most famous one due to its high accuracy. People with Type A's characteristic has a severe sense of time urgency. They are always running,rushing and can hardly relax. If they sat without doing something useful they may end up feeling guiltyBesides that,Type A's are over achievers, they usually get themselves involved in many different unrelated activities and perform well in them all. However,Type A's biggest problem is stress, they are usually overwhelmed by the amount of tasks they have to do. These tasks are usually a huge list that they planned for themselves.But after all,they are usually competitive and has a high challenging spirit. On the other hand,Type B personality is almost the opposite of Type A.This type of person is relaxed by nature and has no sense of time urgency.Type Bs have got no problems relaxing or sitting without doing anything.They  may delay the work they have to the last moment and they usually don't get stressed that easily.Type B could be an achiever too but his lack of sense of time urgency helps him much in not feeling stressed while doing his tasks.After recognising all these typical trait,I have to admit that I am under this group and I realise many of my friends who are also pursuing medicine like me are Type A people.As with everything in life ,there are both pros and cons for every kind of personality.What is more important is that we have to constantly learn to maximise the virtues and minimise the insufficiency in terms of characteristics.

    Then, we were asked to do a self-scoring MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) personality test.The test reveal that I am an introverted person.I love to have frequent internal pondering and I treasure my time being alone rather than extroverted with most of the time hanging around people socialising.  Besides that, I have sensing characteristic rather than intuitive.I admit that I am those down- to- earth and focus more on practicality when accomplishing something.I rely less at unconscious and abstract thinking or processes.When problem arises,my thinking characteristics are protrayed.Logics and reasoning skills are used as a mean to solve problem not to be affected by personal emotion and individual values.Last but not least,I m those judging kind of person in which I like to control and prefer my world to be ordered and structured .In other words ,I plan things in my life before transforming it into action ,not to be hindered by disorganization.


    Before the end of the session, we were asked to do the self-scoring Big Five Personality Test. The Big five factors are comprised of openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (OCEAN). The test revealed that I belong to personality trait type C (conscientiousness) where self-discipline, reliability , achievement inclined and organization constitute an important part of my life .


    In short,I am so grateful to have attended this lecture as it helps a lot in term of better self-understanding in order for me to maximise the good while minimise the bad to be a better person.

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