Saturday, September 3, 2011

A131560 Cassandra Tham LJ05

The last lecture for Pengurusan Emosi was divided into three parts, the first being the lecture, the second is the MBTI questionnaire and the third was the Big Five Theory questionnaire.
Firstly I would like to discuss about the lecture. The lecture was about the psychoanalytic theories. These theories state that physiologically and cognitively oriented theories assume the conscious nature of the emotional experience. However, a person named Sigmund Freud disagreed with the theories and hypothesized that emotional experiences are processes that occur unconsciously. The unconscious is an area of the personality containing emotions, motives and memories of past experiences of which we are not aware but influences our behaviour an this is a powerful source of emotion and motivation. The main impact of these theories are on the negative emotions such as worry and anger, as these emotions arise due to conflicts which occur unconsciously.
The comparison between the theories were also discussed in the lecture. The James-Lange theory predicts that emotional experience depends entirely upon feedback from the autonomic and somatic nervous systems. However, the problem with this is that patients with broken necks have emotions although they receive no signals from the body to the brain. The Cannon-Bard Theory on the other hand, predicts that emotional expression is totally independent of autonomic and somatic nervous systems. The problem with this theory then is that autonomic and somatic responses to emotional stimuli can influence emotional experience, as sleeping in a "haunted house" would cause a person to be more sensitive to noises which they would normally not notice in normal situations. These two theories are two extreme theories an the modern view on these two theories are that both perceptions and physiological reactions can both influence our feelings.
The comparisons of the physiological theories which state that emotions are primarily products of brain and nervous system. The James-Lange theory states that physiological reactions to emotional stimuli causes a person to feel the emotion while the Cannon-Bard theory states that internal or external stimuli leads to sensory impulses that are sent to the cortex of the brain whereas the psychobiological approaches states that there are four basic emotions and each of which is associated with a command system found in the brain. The comparisons between the cognitive theories which say that cognitive or thought has a primary role in generating and guiding emotion is among the Schachter's Cognitive labeling theory, misattribution, transfer of excitement and cognitive appraisal theories. The Schachter's cognitive labelling theory says that the physiological response is cognitively labelled by situation, while misattribution says that arousal from one ssource is misattributed to another. The transfer of excitement however, says that arousal from one source may influence otherwise unrelated cognitions and reactions while the cognitive appraisal theories state that the role off cognitive factors are essential in the experience of emotion.
Moving on to the videos, the first video which was shown was about life as a child. The video showed a childhood which is happy and perfect, as when we were young, everything was happy an blissfull as when we were young, we didn't face that many problems or we were just too young to understand and worry about any problems. Children should be thankful and grateful for their life as they are always protected by their parents. Children are still naive and most children do not face major problems as compared to adults such as their parents, so most of them would face trouble when they are faced with a problem. As they grow up, they will be more mature in their thinking and opinions towards certain things would change. They start to have their own opinions on things and start to realize that not all people can be trusted and betrayal would cause alot of hurt and sadness. However, the sadness which is experience would not be long lived. This video is related with the psychoanalytic theories and brings the message to us that we should be strong when faced with any challenges and we should think positively whenever we are faced with a challenge.
The next video was about type A and type B personalities. For type A personalities, the characteristics are fast eaters, early risers, always rushing, impatience, and more organized lifestyle. They are also less concerned about perfection and are more concerned about time especially so that they are not late nor wasting time. When driving, they usually drive at a higher speed and have a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases as they are more viable to stress. For type B personalities, they like normal activites, not in a rush and drive at a moderate or slower speed. They also have a more soft spoken style of talking and are well loved by all.
The second part of the lecture was about the questionnaire which is the MBTI questionnaire. The questionnaire is divide into four parts, the first part is introverted and extroverted characteristics, second is sensing and intuitive characteristics, third is thinking and feeling characteristics, and fourth is judging and perceiving characteristics. After taking part in the questionnaire, I discovered that my personality type is ENFP which are the inspirers. For my personality type, the dominant quality in life is attention to the outer world of possibilities, and continuous involvement in anything new whether it is new ideas, new people or new activities would cause excitement. Though people with this personality type thrive on what is possible an what is new, they also experience  a deep concern for people as well. Thus, they are especially interested in possibilities for people. The last line of the description for ENFPs describes me quite well as it says that ENFPs are typically energetic, enthusiastic people who live spontaneous and adaptable lives.
The third part of the class was about the Big Five personality test. This test was based on five factors, openness, conscientiousness. extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. After taking the personality test, I discovered that I scored the highest for section E which is neuroticism. People with this type of personality tends to experience negative emotions such as anger, anxiety or depression. They are also emotionally reactive and vulnerable to stress. They are also more likely to interpret ordinary situations as threatening, and minor frustrations as hopelessly difficult. Besides that, negative emotional reactions tend to persist for unusually long periods of time, which means they are often in a bad mood. This would affect the ability to think clearly, make decisions and cope effectively with stress.

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