Saturday, August 27, 2011


Assalamualaikum,  salam ramadhan and salam aidilfitri.This is my first time making a journal in English, just to try and maybe to improve a bit in English. At 24th August 2011, I didn't come for the ZT lecture due to involvement in Majlis Penutup Ihya' Ramadhan.However, I still need to accomplish my duty to do the personality test and journal 5.So,my journal this time will discuss about the relationship between emotion and personality.
Firstly, personality can be defined as the combination of psychological traits that we use to classify and describe a person in term of characteristics such as quiet, passive, aggressive, dominant, and many more. In my view, personality takes a big role in our life. A good personality can bring us to success and comfort to others. However, a bad personality can lead us to bad people's perception and difficulties in controlling our life. Personality can be improved and manage. People usually relate personality with the environment where the person live and how they are being growth in. Personality also shows us how a person behaves in such situations and also how they react and control their emotion.
Big Five Personality Test consists of extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience. According to Big Five Personality Test, I am a conscientiousness .This personality has a tendency to show self-discipline, act dutifully, and aim for achievement against measures or outside expectations. They also preference for planned rather than spontaneous behavior. Yes, I a bit agree with this statement. I frequently planned my time rather doing something spontaneously because I like something that is organized. I love and enjoy my activities and my duties so that I don't stress. Why people get stressed with their work? In my opinion one of the reason is they don't enjoy their work and think it like a load.So, whatever we we need to enjoy do it with full commitment and try to be sincere.
After doing MBTI Cognitive Style Inventory, my result is ISFJ which means introvert, sensing, feeling and judging. These refer to' The Nurturers''. The dominant quality in the nurturers is their lives is an abiding respect and sense of personal responsibility for doing what needs to be done in the here-and-now. Actions that are of practical help to others are of particular importance to this people. Their realism, organizing abilities, and command of the facts lead to their thorough attention in completing tasks. They bring an aura of quiet warmth, caring, and dependability to all that they do. They take their work seriously and believe others should do so as well.
I realized that I think first before I did something. When I feel messy or in a bad emotion, I regularly require an amount of private time to relax. However I still need some people to cheer myself. I motivated internally and sometime people seek motivation and advices from me. I love relationship and I feel happy when people happy. All of these characteristics refer to an introvert person.
According to lecture note, an introvert is a person that are shy and quiet while extrovert  is a person that are easy going, sociable and assertive. Am I shy and quiet? I don't think so. I admit that I am lack of assertiveness and a bit passive but I still easy outgoing and sociable. Beside that for sensing characteristic, I appreciate what I have now and attending to present opportunities. In my opinion, we must grab whatever opportunities given to us as we never know what will happen tomorrow.
Sensing vs. Intuitive. Sensitive types are practical and prefer to focus on details while intuitive rely on unconscious processes and look at the big picture. According to the test, the sensing characteristics are mentally live in the Now, attending to present opportunities, using common sense and creating practical solutions is automatic-instinctual, memory recall is rich in detail of facts and past events, best improvise from past experience, like clear and concrete information; dislike guessing when facts are "fuzzy.
Thinking vs. Feeling. Thinking types use reason and logic to handle problems while feeling type rely on their personal values and emotions. For feeling characteristics, I am instinctively employ personal feelings and impact on people in decision situations. I also naturally sensitive to people needs and reactions, seek consensus and popular opinions.However, I unsettled by conflict which I have almost a toxic reaction to disharmony.
Judging vs. Perceiving. Judging types want control and prefer their world to be ordered and structured while perceiving types are flexible and spontaneous. For me, I am a judging type. I plan many of the details in advance before moving into action. I focus on task-related action which means I complete meaningful segments before moving on. I also work best and avoid stress when able to keep ahead of deadlines. I don't like postponing my works although a small matter. So, I naturally use targets, dates and standard routines to manage life.
Actually I don't know either I have personality type A or type B.For personality type A, they wake up early, frequently check the clock, they don't like waiting, eat fast, impatient, always worry, competitive and perfectionist.Yes, I do wake up early, frequently check the clock, don't like waiting but I am not always worry and not a perfectionist and also still can be patient in many time. I think it is a natural behavior for everyone to compete with other and I have that behavior but I do not so competitive. For type B personality, they have a calm activities, drive at speed limit or less, easy going, eat slowly,informal,self confident, relaxed and equally motivated. I do not rush but I don't like postponing, I have self confident and calm and relaxed in whatever I did and also equally motivated.
In conclusion,if we know  our personality ,we can know how we actually react in a certain situation and what people think about us.So,if there is something not good in our personality we must change it to a better action and way and also improve our selve as personality tell people many about a person's behavior .

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