Friday, August 26, 2011


Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,
     Alhamdulillah dan syukur ke hadrat illahi, akhirnya, sempat juga saya mengarang jurnal yang terakhir untuk kursus ZT 2253. Ini merupakan jurnal yang kelima dan terakhir yang akan dikarang untuk kursus ini dan saya sangatlah gembira. Ini bukan kerana saya tidak mahu mengarang, tetapi pada hakikatnya, saya tidak pandai dan tidak suka mengarang. Untuk makluman dr, saya tidak dapat hadir ke kelas yang lepas kerana saya terlibat dengan Majlis Penutup Ihya Ramadhan 2011 namun ia tidak menjadi batu penghalang untuk saya menulis jurnal ini. Saya jadikan jurnal kawan-kawan yang menghadiri kuliah dan nota dan video yang telah dimuatnaik sebagai rujukan untuk menulis jurnal ini.
  Untuk kuliah yang lepas, terdapat 3 tugasan yang telah diberikan kepada pelajar iaitu,
 Tugasan 1 :
 Baca slide dan teks tentang Psychoanalytic Theory. Dengar dan tonton klip video  pertama yang akan ditayangkan pada jam 2pm. Kaitkan apa yang ada dalam video tersebut dengan teori.
Tugasan 2 :
Jawab soalselidik MBTI. Di akhir ujian, anda akan dapat tahu kategori personaliti anda. Dalam LJ05, bincangkan personaliti anda.
Tugasan 3:
Jawab soalselidik Teori Besar Lima (Big Five Theory). Di akhir ujian, anda akan dapat tahu kategori personaliti anda. Dalam LJ05, bincangkan personaliti anda.
   Menurut kefahaman saya, video pertama yang telah ditayangkan memaparkan tentang kehidupan. Kehidupan manusia secara amnya dari zaman kanak-kanak sehinggalah dewasa.  Bagi saya, siapalah manusia kalau tiada zaman kanak-kanak? Zaman kanak-kanak bagi saya, tidak sempurna kalau kita tidak pernah menonton Dragon Ball .  Cuba kita rungkai semula zaman kanak-kanak kita, kehidupan kita sangat lah bahagia, tidak pernah fikir tentang masalah dunia, kita hanya bersukaria hamper setiap hari, bermain hampir setiap hari, penuh dengan kegembiraan. Kemudian kita melangkah kea lam dewasa, kehidupan kita mula di hampiri masalah, mula berfikir dan melalakukan sesuatu berlandaskan kemahuan dan keperluan. Kemudian kita mula memerhatikan keadaan sekeliling, mula melihat ragam-ragam manusia yang lain , mula mengenali diantara satu sama lain dan mula terlibat dengan pelbagai masalah, masalah jiwa dan lain-lain.
    Sekarang ini, kita masuk pula tentang personality, apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan personality?  Personality merupakan ciri-ciri psikologi yang terdapat dalam diri setiap manusia. Berdasarkan personality ini, kita dapat mengenal dan mengelas manusia dari sudut emosinya, ketenangannya, pasif, kuat , agresif  dan lain-lain. Untuk makluman , Myers Briggs Type Indicator merupakan satu alat yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur personality . menurut klasifikasi ini, manusia dapat dibahagikan kepada introvert dan extrovert . oleh itu,apakah introvert? introvert adalah orng yang kebanyakan pediam dan pemalu manakala extrovert merupakan orng yang rajin keluar , pandai bergaul dan tegas. Namun bagi saya, saya rasa, tidak relavan sangat untuk kita mengklasifikasi kan manusia begini . siapa manusia untuk menghukum manusia ? layakkah kita menilai seseorng begitu? Tepuk dada, Tanya iman.
    Kemudian, kita dipaparkan dengan video yang kedua.  Dalam video ini, memaparkan tentang apa itu yang dimaksudkan tentang personality jenis A dan personality jenis B.  Dalam paparan tersebut , personality type A merupakan seorang individu yang sangat kelam kabut dalam melakukan kerjanya, dia sering bergegas dalam melakukan aktiviti seharian . Sungguhpun begitu, mereka ini sangat teratur, perfectionist dan sangat mencemburi masa .
Traits of Type A Behavior
Key Characteristics:

While the term "Type A" is thrown around often, it's not always fully known what specific characteristics make up "Type A" personality, even among experts. For example, some people, the term applies to rude and impatient people. Others see workaholics as "Type A". Many see competitiveness as the main characteristic. According to research, the following characteristics are the hallmark characteristics of Type A Behavior (TAB):
·         Time Urgency and Impatience, as demonstrated by people who, among other things, get frustrated while waiting in line, interrupt others often, walk or talk at a rapid pace, and are always painfully aware of the time and how little of it they have to spare.
·         Free-Floating Hostility or Aggressiveness, which shows up as impatience, rudeness, being easily upset over small things, or 'having a short fuse', for example.
Additionally, Type A behavior often includes:
·         Competitiveness
·         Strong Achievement-Orientation
·         Certain Physical Characteristics That Result From Stress and Type A Behavior Over Years
Physical Characteristics:
The following physical characteristics often accompany TAB:
·         Facial Tension (Tight Lips, Clenched Jaw, Etc.)
·         Tongue Clicking or Teeth Grinding
·         Dark Circles Under Eyes
·         Facial Sweating (On Forehead or Upper Lip)
Negative Effects of Type A Behavior:
Over the years, the type of extra stress that most "Type A" people experience takes a toll on one's health and lifestyle. The following are some of the negative effects that are common among those exhibiting TAB:
·         Hyptertension: High blood pressure is common among "Type A" personalities, and has been documented by research to be as much as 84% more of a risk among those with Type A characteristics..
·         Heart Disease: Some experts predict that, for those exhibiting TAB, heart disease by age 65 is a virtual certainty.
·         Job Stress: "Type A" people usually find themselves in stressful, demanding jobs (and sometimes the jobs create the Type A behavior!), which lead to metabolic syndrome and otherhealth problems.
·         Social Isolation: Those with TAB often alienate others, or spend too much time on work and focus too little on relationships, putting them at risk for social isolation and the increased stress that comes with it.
Untuk personality type B, menurut laman  maya
Type B Personality Theory

Type A and B personality are completely opposite to each other. Therefore, in order to know more on type B personality traits, we need to know what are the characteristic type A personality traits. People belonging to type A are constantly under stress as they are workaholics and believe in completing all tasks at hand before time or well in time. They also do not tend to socialize which makes them loners. These people are also prone to heart diseases because of the tensions, stress and worrying attitude. Personality tests are easily available and helpful to determine a person's personality type. If you wish to know whether you belong to personality types A or B, then the following information on type B personality characteristics will be helpful to you.

Type B Personality Traits

Personality types A, B, C are distinct from one other and hence, easily identified. The following are the characteristics of type B personality.
  • These people tend to be productive under stress.
  • They are very much relaxed, patient and have a lot of self control.
  • One of the type B personality traits is that these people do not get irritated or angry easily.
  • They are less competitive and their competitiveness is often productive with good intentions.
  • They rarely tend to be aggressive or frustrated.
  • People belonging to type B personality are also very much tolerant and flexible who can change in order to adapt to situations and changes.
  • These people do not get hyper if their time is wasted and do not mind waiting in queues or wait to get their work done.
  • Relaxation, enjoyment, fun comes very naturally to them. They spend their free time socializing, shopping or having a good time.
  • They are very calm as compared to their highly stung counterparts (type A). People of type A personality often wish they were working rather than spending their time in leisure and the type B personality traits are just the opposite.
  • People of B type personality tend to plan things in advance before executing them. They complain or fret rarely.
  • These people do not constantly wish to lead the group or be in control of all the situations. They are more found to take things and situations as they come.
  • They are emotional, express feeling and are also not indifferent towards others. They may also have a good social life.
  • When comparing type A personality vs type B personality, we find that that people with B type personality have controlled eating and lifestyle habits, neither do they have any obsessive compulsive disorders.
Sampai sini perkongsian saya, sekian

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