Saturday, August 20, 2011


This is the forth journal we have done for the lesson ZT. We had attended the lecture on 17 August, Wednesday. The lecture starts with the explanation of the task we need to do for this ZT course. There are two tasks for us to fulfill and the lecturer had kindly explained it in a very detailed manner.


The first lecture for today is about emotion and motivation. Emotion is defined by its effective tone, no matter it is in positive or negative, it will never be neutral. Motivation is generally known as the study of the directional and energizing aspects of behaviors. There are four components in emotion, which are feeling state, cognitive process, physiological changes and associated behavior. According to Baron and Logan 1993, it cannot be separated from motivation. Emotion as motivation to our behavior and motive can be emotional (Lang et al, 1992). As for example, the motive of killing someone can be for the money or just merely hatred. This is an emotion. However, not in all cases emotion will become motivator and not all of them based on emotion. By looking in James Lange theory, there will be stimulus following physiological arousal and behavior changes and leads to subjective experience of emotion. Another theory which is Two-Factor theory formed firstly by stimulus then physiological arousal plus cognitive label for arousal and lastly conscious emotion.


Emotion is defined as the state of arousal involving facial and body changes, brain activation, cognitive appraisals, subjective feelings, and tendencies toward action, all shaped by cultural rules. Emotion serves as our body's adaptive response to events in the environment and they assist in communicating out intentions to the others. This helps us to be prepared for action anytime, because we know that emotions aroue us to move, take action and also to cope with the situation. Motivation is the aspect of selection of process, proposed by Bickhard 1997. It is also the anticipation of what is possible. Motivation drive people to do one thing instead of another, no matter in terms of the selection of the course of further activity, or further interactive activity. This is proposed by Mook 1996.


There are three main thing in motivation concepts and theories. Motivation is the factor outside or within an organism which cause them to behave in certain way at a certain time. Drive is the internal condition or impulse that activates the behavior that will reduce the need and restore homeostasis. There is also incentive, the external goal which pulls or pushes certain behavior.


Motivation consist of a few component, which is instinct, the innate motives; arousal, people are motivated to maintain an optimum level of arousal; humanistic theory which is the hierarchy of need. I had come across this theory before, which is proposed by Maslow. It is a pyramid consists of different levels of need in human beings. The lower level consists of physiological needs, safety needs,  love and belonging, self esteem, and lastly self actualization.


Drive is the state of mind. Biologically there are many hub of many central drive system lies between hypothalamus. Drive is needed in body tissue. Human body is always in a state of homeostasis, it is a mechanism which can make sure our body always in good condition and function normally. To activate a drive, it may be an due to an upset in homeostasis mechanism, and the activation of the behavior to correct the imbalance. Animals always behave in accordance of their drive following their needs, for example increasing the intake of calorie during cold season etc. However, homeostasis cannot explain every drives.


Incentives are viewed as the factors that influence people to make one choice over one another, or provide motive for a particular course of action. There are different kinds of incentives, including financial incentives, moral incentives, and coercive incentives. There are a lot of incentives that can drive people to do any kind of things in order to get the incentives. Instincts are something which is inherent disposition. Instincts are unlearned, inherited had fixed action patterns of responses or reactions to certain kind of stimuli. As for example like animal fighting, animal courtship behavior, internal escape functions, and building of the nests.

When we look into arousal theory, it is a physiological and psychological state of being awake. People are motivated to maintain an optimum level of arousal neither too high nor too low. There is this curiosity motive which helps us understand our environment. There are also humanistic theories. One of it is proposed by Abraham Maslow, human motives are divided into several levels, from basic survival needs up to psychological and self-fulfillment needs. There is certain relation between emotion and motivation. Emotion is something that emphasizes arousal, and motivation emphasizes an action.

On the second half of the lecture, we were introduced with different physiological, cognitive and psychoanalytic theories. There are a few things lacking in the Evolutional theory. Have you ever wondered what exactly made us feel happy or sad? What is the sequence of thinking. There are so many questions but everybody help you. The major theories on Experience of Emotion noticed it and admit there's have several components; subjective feelings, cognitive appraisal, physiological arousal, motor expression and motivational tendencies. However the theories are related to how relative important to various components. The order is also different which these components appear in sequence of events that induces an emotional response. The theories differ on emphasis on physiological basis, role of recognition or role of unconscious.

Physiological-oriented the primaries of emphasization is production of brain and nervous system. Its origin is the physiological reactions to the stimuli. Major approaches reminds people on james-lang theory, cannon-band theory and psychobiological theories. James lang theory is one of the oldest psychology of experience of emotion, and is formulated by Williams james in 1884. This is supported by to a stimulus trigger the emotions. Carl Lange 1887 and became james lange theory. The hypothesis is the physiological reactions to stimulus which trigger emotions. 

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