Sunday, August 14, 2011

Gabriel Tang Pei Yung A131735 LJ03

Hello, everyone! This is my third Pengurusan Emosi's journal yet this is my first "English version" journal. I attended last Pengurusan Emosi lecture in 10.8.2011. Before I move on to share what have I learned from this lecture and relate it to my daily experiences, I would like to talk about the video that has been shown by Dr Zamri in that lecture. He showed us Justine Bieber's song (Baby) which is in Indonesia version. Firstly I thought this video is funny but after that I really appreciate the song. I love that song is not because I think he is a better singer or whatever, I like it just simply because the message that the singer was trying to send to us. That song is actually talks about the love of a son towards his mother. He recalled the incidents when he treated his mother badly. He felt regret and he realized that how much he loves his mother now. From this video, I saw two very contradictory emotions which are regret or repent and love. Love is a positive emotion while regret or repent is a negative emotion. It actually made me recalled the memory when I was in secondary school. When I was in secondary school, I rebelled my parents a lot but after I grow "older", I found that how much my parents love me and how important for me to treat them with love and patience.  I believe that, it is a brilliant strategy of Dr Zamri to bring us to the topic of this lecture (negative emotion) and related it to the previous lecture which is about to positive emotion. 

Moreover, I also like the other video in this lecture which is related to fighting and war. The video showed to us how desperate the citizens in those countries which are facing war right now. The children are starving, everyone is dying… Blood and dead bodies are everywhere. Even the children are holding the guns to defend and fight for themselves! (if I am not mistaken this video is actually related to Palestine and Israel issue and how HAMAS--- a terrorist organization in Palestine is using such a radical way to force children to become soldiers in the war of terror.) This video showed us many negative emotions like sadness, desperation, angry, hopeless and so own. After I saw this video, I realize that we should feel grateful because Malaysia government is working so fine and treating us well.

The first negative emotion that I would like to discuss is fear. Fear can be related to other emotions like nervous or anxiety. It is actually a respond towards a dangerous situation. For example, a person feels fear towards tiger. After he sees the tiger, his fear asked him to run away instead of fighting the tiger alone. Fear can be gained from our pass traumatic or painful experience. For example, I have snake phobia because I was bitten by a snake before. Besides that, fear can also inspired by some abstract concepts like ghost, devil, fail to achieve the goal, intimate relationship break up and so own. Below are some facial expressions when a person is in fear condition:

o    One's eyes widen (out of anticipation for what will happen next)

o    The pupils dilate (to take in more light)

o    The upper lip rises

o    The brows draw together [kening ke dalam]

o    Lips stretch horizontally


There are two outcomes of fear. Some people are brave and willing to deal with the stuffs they fear of. This can make them overcome their phobia and lastly can bring them a successful life. For example, some people feel fear to lose in certain tournament but they are still willing to face it. In order to overcome this, they work harder and lastly they succeed to win the tournament or succeed to overcome their fear. The other outcome of fear is run away from this fearful condition.

The next negative emotion that I am going to talk about is embarrassment. It can happen when u do something that against your professionalism and was witnessed by the others. I always feel embarrass when I make some mistake when I am playing piano for the gathering in church. (because I thought that it totally against my professionalisms).

We have 2 types of embarrassment which are personal and professional. Personal embarrassment caused by unwanted attention by public. It can be associated with other emotions like nervous. People will normally cover their personal embarrassment with a smile or nervous laughter. Professional embarrassment normally occurs when some people are confident in some particular works but he makes some mistakes when he is carrying out those works.  

Sadness means unhappiness, sorrow grief, unhappiness, misery, melancholy or despair due to some afflictions. It may affect work efficiency and performance of the person. Those people who feel sad normally will stay quiet, inactive and prone to stay alone instead of socialize with the other people. According to Forgas (1992, 1994), happy people are able to process the information faster and interpret the information more accurate while sad people need to use longer time to process the information and prone to misinterpret the information or interpret the result with lower accuracy.

In addition, a study also revealed that when we recognize the emotion of a person, we will perceive that person with some additional characteristics (Halo effect). For example,  an angry person will be perceived as powerful or dominant person.

Anger can be provoked by betrayal, humiliation, injustice, unfairness, negligence, distress condition and conflict. It can be expressed in two ways which are active and passive. In the case of active anger, the angry person will do something that is very obvious to show that he is angry like insult someone verbally or destroy something or injure someone physically. While in passive anger, it can be characterized as silent sulking.

In conclusion, I really learned a lot from this lecture. I found that those negative emotions are not necessary negative or totally bad for us. For example, I feel embarrass because I did the mistake in front of public. I will try my best to practice so that I won't repeat the same mistake in front of public. Moreover, I also found out what is the importance of control our emotion because emotion (sadness, anger) can control our performance.


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